About Us

Magnetic Technologies L.L.C was established in United Arab Emirates in 1995 with the aim to introduce state of the art Mag-Technologies and their miraculous multi dimensional applications, unmatched impact and greater saving in various fields of life.

25 Countries
We are the World’s Largest Base of Magnetology operating in over 25 countries.
30 Years
Our expertise in Mag-Technologies is the outcome of more than 30 years of constant research and observations of Mag-Technologies applications +25 years of practical usage.
52 Institutes
The research was carried out by 52 leading research institutes of Russia.
500 Works
The company possesses more than 500 research works in different spheres of economy.

Welcome to the World of Magnetic Technologies


Magnetic treatment of water and seeds for: reduction of seeds germination terms, increasing of productivity, enriching of taste; increasing of milk production, additional weight of cattle and poultry.

Environment and Magnetic treatment of water

Magnetic technologies for clearing the rivers, lakes and sea lagoons. Sewage waters treatment. Ion shield. Magnetic rain.


Increasing of plasticity and strength of cement rock; restoration of plasticity of ready-made concrete on building sites, increasing its resistance to pressure and of tensile strength.


Magnetic treatment of water and magnetic treatment of fuel for the direct energy saving in processes of heat power up to 30%, prolongation of the equipment's resources.


Magnetic devices for treatment and preventive maintenance of such diseases as chronic prostatitis, radiculitis, hemorrhoid, overweight & obesity, women functional distressing, high / low blood-pressure, kidneys stones.

Products by Magnetic Technologies

Science of Magnetology and application of magnetic technologies in treatments of various diseases.

On our web site we offer you a variety of information

This information covers different aspects of magnetology, from applying our medical devices at home to applying our unique devices in clinics and hospitals.

You will find about magnetic devices for treatment and preventive maintenance of such diseases as chronic prostatitis, radiculitis, haemorrhoid, overweight & obesity, women functional distressing, high/low blood-pressure, kidneystones, Magnetic treatment of water and beverages. Wonderful properties of magnetized water.

Magnetic ION Shield

Problem of increased content of positively charged ions in the atmosphere is one of the most acute ones practically in all big cities of the present-day world.