Magnetic Bracelet

One of the earliest records of humans using the healing qualities of magnets comes from the 111 Century B.C., when the great Aristotle documented his findings on the healing effects of magnets. The fascination with magnets continued into the 1600s when William Gilbert, Queen Elizabeths doctor, wrote an entire book devoted to the qualities of magnets.


One of the earliest records of humans using the healing qualities of magnets comes from the 111 Century B.C., when the great Aristotle documented his findings on the healing effects of magnets. The fascination with magnets continued into the 1600s when William Gilbert, Queen Elizabeths doctor, wrote an entire book devoted to the qualities of magnets.

Magnetic bracelets have proved to be effective against irregular heart beats and blood related problems. Medicinal effect is provided by the influence of the magnetic field on the blood provoking positive changes in different processes of the body activity.

Magnetic Bracelet can be used to treat typical illnesses such as:
– Heart beating, heartache.
– Hypertonia, hypotonia.
– State of anxiety and stress.
– Dizziness, headaches, migraine.
– Sleep disorders.
– Respiratory disorders.


The bracelet is worn loosely on the wrist, so that the majority of the vital points come under the influence of the magnetic field.

The magnetic bracelet is to be worn alternately every other day on the right and left wrists for a minimum duration of 10-12 hours.